Monday, October 15, 2007

International partners...

How many of you are paired up with someone outside of your country? How much extra shipping time are you going to give yourself?


Knittings Nice! said...

I'm looking at sending mine off maybe 2nd week of November, just to be sure.

Sara said...

It would depend on how big a package you're sending. I ship stuff International Priority all the time at work. If it's bigger than a breadbox you will be asked to ship it International Priority Mail, and that normally takes 6-10 days for shipment. I have great luck shipping with this service, it often arrives right on the 6 day mark. So at Christmas time maybe it could take up to 12-15 days.
Within the US parcel post can take forever to get to me, 6-8 weeks at the soonest, usually it's about 10 weeks. The slow boat to Hawaii, literally

Cassie said...

I'm planning on sending it mid-November (US --> UK). Most of the packages I've ever sent over there near the holidays arrive in the 12 day - 2 week time-frame (via the USPS, Int'l/Global Priority Mail).

Wendy said...

I am sending from UK to USA, in normal circumstances an airmail small packet (which I'm hoping this will be on weight) takes less than a week. If it's heavier poss up to 2 weeks and as long as I send it by the first week of December then it's before the real rush of post.
The last posting date for the US is listed as 13th December on the Royal Mail website for Airmail and 10th December for International Signed For.
That's provided they don't go on strike again!!!

Yarn Sniper said...

When I was in Iraq packages took right about 2 weeks. I would think 7-14 days would be a reasonable amount of time.

crazyestonian said...

I am shipping within EU so I will allow a couple of weeks but just thought that I'd mention that shipping from US to smaller and less known countries takes longer than the post office says. I lived in the US for about 5 years and sent frequent packages to Estonia. Not a single once did it arrive within quoted 2 weeks regardless of whether I shipped priority or super cheap non-air mail. And it did not matter whether it was July or May or Christmas time. Usually it took about three and half weeks...